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A member registered Jul 10, 2020

Recent community posts

This is so fun and you guys are so fucking great

AMAZING!!  I  ❤️ this game so much.

I found can find the butt plug vendor occasionally in Dustridge but can't find the others.  Butt plugs are pretty scarce in the kingdom apparently!   Is there any trick to catching them on their rounds? 

Is there a countdown timer somewhere I can sit by?  Fuck NYE, I'm waiting for Vardo's balls to drop   


So excited for new areas to play!  This game is so fantastic <3 

Rock on, thanks!

I LOVE the new battle layout!  So much easier to find actions and you can see so much more of your opponent!! 

Found one bug when battling the twins, if you have reached the 4th level and choose to jerk off, you get this message:

That's on 4.51 on Mac.

Thanks for this amazing game!   <3 

I love the game so much!! You guys are my heroes!  <3 Thanks for all the little fixes, it's been fun to play even with a few glitches

Thank you!! I have been keeping my own notes but wondered when we would start to crowdsource the knowledge :) 

Agreed thank you, this game is adorable and sexy and clever and totally worth buying.  Thank you GGS! 

I bet it's a lot of work!  Really they don't matter as much but I can tell you guys care about details and would want to know   👍

Found this typo (should be "let your own HP bar fill up") on my first battle with the twink orc in the woods. 

I found this odd text - maybe a typo - in the last chapter of the butler's story.

This sounds great, I'm glad we will have a direct way to support you and keep game updates coming, and to keep future bara games happening! 

PLEASE can we give you money?  I love this game so much already and it's just a beta

I powered through the entire demo last night (stayed up all night, couldn't stop playing!) but I'll play it through again looking for bugs to report.  I got so involved in it I forgot to watch for glitches 🙃

Agreed, this game is so great!  Sexy and cute and funny and fun.  I can't wait for the rest!